Bug now has 4 teeth! Of course much to my dismay it's the top right and then the next one over. So she's got two teeth on the top right and none on the top left! Looks like we may have a very crooked smile for her first birthday photo shoot next week! Oh well she's still stinking cute! :)
Yesterday my parents came up and helped me remove the rest of the old carpet that was in the living room. Now we are living on a linoleum floor with just an old carpet remnant in the part where the couch and t.v. are. I went today to Lowe's and picked out our new carpet. Nothing fancy just a tan-ish colored Stainmaster carpet. Hopefully it won't be too long before I get a phone call from Lowe's saying that their people are coming out to do the measurements and we can get the new carpet installed! I'm really excited!
I also picked up the paint for the living room and hope to get the one wall primed tonight after K-bug goes to bed! Hopefully the entire living room will be painted before the carpet guys come! So much going on but man I am just overjoyed that Bug will be able to crawl around in our ENTIRE living room and won't be stuck just in the small part we have cordoned off for her now! :)
Ohh! I almost forgot to tell you! She's also finally figured out how to clap! Momma's so proud!
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