Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's A.....


We're having a boy!

We had our anatomy scan done on Friday. Baby boy is measuring approximately 1lb and 3oz, and had a heart rate of 145bpm. Big sister was there with us and got to see her little brother kicking around. When daddy told her it was a boy she said "No, girl". Daddy told her again that it was a boy, she was going to have a brother and her response was "Ughh!" Haha! The technician told her she was going to say that a lot when it comes to her little brother! We are over the moon excited!

3d image of our little guys face! Mommy thinks he looks like his daddy already!
This one made me giggle because it looks like he's flexing his muscles!
We announced our fantastic news to S's family on Sunday. I wanted to come up with something fun to tell them, other than the traditional gender reveal cake or simply saying "It's a boy"! So I hopped on Pinterest and found a way to make your own scratch off lotto cards and made these using some examples from around the internet.

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