So what do you do when you arrive home from the grocery store only to discover that when you thought your darling was finding her sippy cup so you could leave she was actually emptying an entire container of wipes in front of the fan; where they promptly dried up? Well you can run to the nearest place that carries wipes, which would be a gas station 10 minutes away and would charge you an arm and a leg. Or you can run to Pinterest and find some inspiration to create your own. Guess which one I chose?
That's right, my best friend... Pinterest! After reading a few different tutorials on how to make your own baby wipes, I concocted my own version with what I had on hand. This is what I came up with....
Baby Wipes
To make 2 batches you will need:
1 roll of select-a-size paper towels (some of the pinners said you should use Bounty because they hold up better than bargain brands. I only had Sams Clubs brand so that is what I used).
4 Tablespoons of Olive Oil (or baby oil)
3 Tablespoons of your favorite baby wash. (I used J&J's because I have a TON of it still from my baby shower)
4 cups of water
Also a cutting board and a sharp knife!

There you go... your very own baby wipes! I promise to come back and update in a few days as to how these work for us! I will say that I'm not sure about the olive oil. I think I might have used too much, but time will tell!
That's right, my best friend... Pinterest! After reading a few different tutorials on how to make your own baby wipes, I concocted my own version with what I had on hand. This is what I came up with....
Baby Wipes
To make 2 batches you will need:
1 roll of select-a-size paper towels (some of the pinners said you should use Bounty because they hold up better than bargain brands. I only had Sams Clubs brand so that is what I used).
4 Tablespoons of Olive Oil (or baby oil)
3 Tablespoons of your favorite baby wash. (I used J&J's because I have a TON of it still from my baby shower)
4 cups of water
Also a cutting board and a sharp knife!
Grab your roll of paper towels and your super sharp knife and get ready! It is NOT an easy task to cut through a roll of paper towels. So be prepared to get some seriously funny looks if your FIL walks into the room while your hacking away! I'm pretty sure he thought I had lost my mind!
I chose to use a bread knife, and that may not have been my best idea. I ended up with paper towel shrapnel EVERYWHERE! Do what you think works best for you.
After you hack cut up your paper towel roll. Grab your liquid ingredients and stir them all together.
Then divide the liquid mix equally into each of your containers. I chose to use old baby wipes containers I already had. Then put a paper towel roll into each (putting the cut side down). Don't fret if you have to squish your roll to fit into it, it's not going to hurt anything.
{{Oops! Apparently I forgot the picture for this step. Sorry!}}
Turn your containers upside down and let them sit for at least 5-10 minutes so the liquid and absorb and disperse. I recommend if you use wipe containers like I did that you put them on something because some of your liquid will seep out. Not much, just a little bit.
After 5 minutes flip them back over, and pull out the cardboard tube.
Your first wipe should pull out with the cardboard but if not you can just reach in to get it started.
There you go... your very own baby wipes! I promise to come back and update in a few days as to how these work for us! I will say that I'm not sure about the olive oil. I think I might have used too much, but time will tell!
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