Just found this on my bump account. I apparently wrote it a few days after we found out about being KU, so I thought I would share!
Starting a little more than a week after ovulation I woke up with sore breasts. I've hardly ever had sore boobs before and was really confused. I had to sleep on my side at night because I couldn't stand the pressure on them if I laid on my stomach. A few days later I started feeling little cramps in my lower abdomen, and the pain in my boobs was getting worse. I started getting my hopes up that maybe there was a chance we were pregnant, but couldn't test for another 4 days (Thursday).
Thursday morning I got up and groggily (is that a word, oh well it is now) made my way down the hall to the bathroom. Pinched those keegal muscles to hold it in because I really had to pee while I peeled back the pink wrapper and uncapped that stick that just might change my life. I guess I'll spare the details of actually peeing on the stick and skip to the part where I put the cap back on... and the waiting game started. Three minutes.... now I have to pace the bathroom, my itty bitty little bathroom, for three whole minutes before I can tell if there's one little pink line or two. And as I'm sure you have figured out there was two! One was very very faint, but there was two lines. I figured that maybe it was just too early to tell because it was still 4 days before my period was due to show, but there was no way I could keep this to myself. Jammies and all I jog down the stairs, pull on my boots and winter coat and head off to the barn to find my husband (did I mention he's a dairy farmer?). I explain to him that it might be too early to get too excited, and show him the test. We jump up and down a little in the milk house, hug and kiss before I realize it's freaking cold outside and I am in my jammies!
When I get back to the house I Google "faint lines on pregnancy tests" and start reading, apparently ANY line, even a faint one, is considered to be positive! And it hit me, HOLY *** I COULD BE PREGNANT! To Wal*Mart I go to find a digital test, repeat the process, and start pacing the kitchen waiting for the results! 5 minutes later, hubby and I were jumping up and down again. Then the most amazing thing happened, S looked at me and says, "I love you, you're going to be a mommy". I swear those were the best words ever spoken to me!!!
I can't believe we're here... 4 weeks preggo! I am the most excited and terrified I have ever been in my life, and I am dying for Wednesday to get here so I can get to the doctors to confirm.