Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm Losing It...

My mind, my patience, and everything else in between! I am at a loss with Bug lately. I fear the "terrible two's" monster has bitten my sweet, well behaved little princess early and turned her into a moody, screaming monster. I have always been so proud that whenever we have taken her out in public, to a restaurant or church we always got so many compliments on how well behaved she was. I felt proud, I guess you could say. It made me feel good that I had a child who knew how to compose herself.

Now.... now I find myself pulling my hair out in the middle of the grocery store and struggling internally with how to handle her. She has suddenly decided that if something is not going EXACTLY her way she wants it to, she screams. Top of her lungs, bloody murder screams. And the look in her eyes... well let's just say if looks could kill!

It started about two weeks ago when we were in the grocery store, Bugs favorite thing is to say hello to EVERY.SINGLE.PERSON we see, and not just once, but over and over again. Anyways, she said hi to this lady in the cereal isle and she didn't respond to Bug, so Bug tried again. "Helllllloooooo!" Still, no response. So, Bug decided to let out this horrible scream, I mean pure rage. Well of course, that got the lady's attention, and had me standing in the isle with my mouth hanging open and my cheeks turning bright red. I was horrified, she'd never acted like that before, I didn't even know how to respond for a second. And I think my momentary befuddlement as to how to react made her little brain see that her scream got mommys attention and the attention every one else who was around. I swear I saw those little gears turn in her head!

Now it's become a daily occurrence; I say no and she screams. Red faced, fists all balled up and pure anger in her eyes. I have tried telling her not to scream in my "stern mommy voice", I've tried time outs (I don't know if she even gets what that's all about yet... jury's out on that), I've physically picked her up and moved her to the couch and allowed her to get her anger out until she's ready to behave like a big girl. And NOTHING seems to be changing/helping/stopping it. (Maybe I need to be consistent with one punishment?? I don't know.) I'm lost. I feel like I spend all day, every day saying "no" to her.

It kills me, it is quite honestly... breaking me.

I hate feeling like all I say to her is "no, don't do that", "no, don't touch that", "no, don't feed that to the dog". I need help, I need advice. I need some other mommy's out there to tell me that I'm not alone and to offer up some suggestions. Isn't that what us mommy's are so famous for, offering up unsolicited advice about how to raise one anothers kids? I'm begging for it... give it up to me!!

ETA: FIY Bug is 20 months old, so she's not even two yet!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Bug and I are participating in a Readathon sponsored by MeMeTales and PBSKids.

I am so excited for us to start today! I downloaded the free MeMeTales app on my Kindle Fire and we instantly received twenty free e-books to read together. Each week there's a newsletter and activities to go along with the books, and each week has a different theme.
  • Week 1 – Animal Fun
  • Week 2 – Friendship
  • Week 3 - Character Development
  • Week 4 – Imagination
  • Week 5 – The Green earth
  • Week 6 – Global Cultures 

Bug will earn stickers/points each week for the books that we read and at the end of 6 weeks she'll earn a certificate for being a part of the Readathon. She's a bit young to really understand the concept behind this all but she LOVES reading books on my Kindle and I know she'll have fun with all these different books at her fingertips.

Check back to see all the fun activities we're going to do with each week's theme!

Join Readathon 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all the daddy's out there! :)

And and extra special Happy Fathers Day to my daddy, my father in law and to my hubby! You are all such amazing men and have blessed our lives in so many ways!

Hubby and our little Bug when she was only a few weeks old.

My dad and Bug a few weeks ago.

My father-in-law with Bug, Easter 2011.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cloud Dough

Cloud Dough

It's so much fun to play with. It looks like clumpy flour but then when you squeeze it it's like play dough. It makes for a great sensory activity. We had so much fun, and I'm glad we did it outside because Bug flung it everywhere! I just took the hose to the porch when we were done and washed it all away. (Recipe at the end of the post.)

This stuff is so fun momma!

It's moldable! I tried to build a measuring cup castle, but Bug didn't seem to think that was fun!

Rolling it into balls was lots of fun though!

She even washed up the measuring spoons and cups for me when we were done!

My cutie hanging out in her jammies!

All done!

Here's the recipe. Are you ready for this... it's very complicated so read closely!

8 cups of flour
1 cup of baby oil

Dump each ingredient into a tub and mix with your hands.
Yep that's it!

I think I had as much fun as she did playing with this stuff, and my hands are all soft now from the baby oil! BONUS! ;)