Wednesday, July 20, 2011

mommy freak out

So I just had my first little "mommy freak out" moment. I was doing the dishes, Bug had been in bed for about 2 hours, when I hear her screaming at the top of her lungs up in her room. I run up the stairs to find her poor little chubby thigh stuck in the rails of her crib! It looked like she had gotten in through while laying on her tummy and then had tried to roll over and wedged it in there. Really well I might add!

Well it's hotter than the eighth layer of Hell 96 degrees here right now so she's all clammy and I couldn't get her leg out. The stickiness of her skin was making it hurt when I tried to push her out, and she screamed even louder! I had a brief moment of panic, thinking there is no way I can get her out without hurting her, then I got my head on straight and grabbed lotion off of the changing table and slathered her thigh up with goop. After that she slipped right on out!

*Sighs* I felt so bad for her and like such an idiot for freaking out over something so little, but I guess we're all entitled to that now and then. After a brief nursing session she's now soundly back to sleep in her crib! I hope she doesn't have a bruise from me trying to twist her out of there. Poor baby, she was shaking she was so upset! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Weekend Away

K and I took the weekend and went down to stay with my parents. Saturday morning we went shopping at a local thrift store and got lots of new toys for K, then to a consignment store that's owned by a friend of ours and my mom got started on K's fall wardrobe! After a morning of shopping we went back to my my mom's house and had lots of visitors! My best friend came over with her little guy MJ and her mom. Then a some friends of my mom's from work, and my cousin, her husband, and their two little ladies!

Can you believe she's 3 months older than him!

playing together!

Such a handsome boy!

happy girl!

She LOVED this toy at my mom's!

getting tickled by Grammie!

On Sunday we got up early and went to church with my mom, then afterwards K's Great Grandma came down to visit for a little while. In the afternoon I took K to her friend Pai's first birthday party!
hanging out on the counter with grandma and great grandma

playing with great grandma

Look at all the toys Grammie has at her house!

Pretty Baby!
Me holding my cousins little girl Kyrie
playing by the creek with the birthday girl!

Friday, July 15, 2011

a little of this, and a little of that....

double rainbow over our house on July 8th

K and her daddy

eating peas and carrots

Mauling Sadie the cat! Good thing she's such a good sport!

playing on the porch in her whale pool.

She's silly in the morning!

Happy girl!
Mommy's Little Acrobat!
About to topple over!
watching daddy drive by the window on the tractor
Playing with Grampie
Snuggles for Grammie!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend

On the fourth we had a picnic here at the house, I was too busy hostessing and cooking to take pictures but we had a really good time!

The day before I took K over to a campground to visit her Aunt A, Uncle B, and cousin. We decided to go up to the falls a few miles away and go swimming. K thought playing in the creek was a blast! She would have splashed in the water all day if I let her. Unfortunately the creek is spring-fed and the water was only about 60 degrees and I didn't want her to get cold. 

Cousin jumping off the rocks.

Cousin hanging from the rope swing.
K splashing in the creek!