Monday, May 16, 2011

Pictures from Mother's Day

So I know I'm over a week late, but I just haven't had time to sit down and upload my pictures until last night. So here they are!

K playing with her Great Grandfather.
silly family picture!
Three generations. My mom, K and I
pretty flowers
K and my mom
trying on Grandpa's hard hat!
sniffing the flowers!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

7 months!

Baby girl is seven months old as of yesterday! Can't believe it, where has the time gone? This past month she's learned to crawl, pull herself up, and she's gotten two teeth! If month 6 brought all of that what is this month going to bring? If Mommy had a say in it, it would be STTN (sleeping through the night)!

K had her well check yesterday and got 3 shots plus an oral vaccine. Poor baby was pretty cranky after that. I hate those shots, her little face breaks my heart when she gets them! She's now 17lbs and 8oz and 26 & 3/4 inches long with a 17" head. She's in between the 50th and 60th percentile for her weight, height and head size, doc says she's a well proportioned little lady!

After her doctors appointment we went to my FIL's benefit dinner. The local Lions Club held a fish fry to help raise funds to pay doctors bills. It was a huge success and we were all very honored by the love and support of our friends and community. K got passed around and around visiting lots of family and friends we don't see very often, she even got to meet some of S's family she hasn't seen yet. It was a very busy day for her and she was pretty tuckered out by the end of the day! (As was I!)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Doodlebug has figured out how to pull herself up! She did it for the first time on Sunday (5/8/11). I went in to get her from her morning nap so we could go to my moms and she was standing up in her crib holding onto the rails for dear life! Ever since then I find her like that at the end of every nap and she's now figured out she can do it on the couch too...we're in for it now!

Yesterday (5/9/11) she even took her first assisted steps! Aunt D was holding her hands and she walked towards me! Crazy! She needs to slow down I'm not ready for that just yet, she just learned to crawl!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

First let me start out by wishing all of you mommies out there a VERY happy Mother's Day! I hope you feel appreciated for all that you do on this special day! Especially the mommies in my life, my mother, my mother-in-law, my grandmothers and S's grandma's up in heaven!

Second, I had the most wonderful day! On Friday S took our doodlebug shopping at the place where I used to work and they brought home my presents! I got to have them early because S didn't think he could hide them from me and take care of them until Sunday. I got two hanging baskets of purple mini petunias and a hanging dark purple and pink Fuchsia both of which are beautiful! I also got a bright pink rose bush that's called "love"! It's absolutely gorgeous and I love the fact that I have something I can plant in the ground and always be reminded of my first Mother's Day! Then this morning S got doodlebug up from her nap and brought me two cards. One sweet mushy card from him and a card signed by K! It was so cute that he let her scribble in it! LOVE IT! I feel like a very loved and special lady!

After all that we drove down to my parents house to spend some time with my mom for Mother's Day. She made some fantastic BBQ ribs and we had some visitors. It was a good time. Hopefully I'll have some family pictures to post later.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Baby Food Entry #5 - Squash (Butternut)

  1. Cut your squash in half the long way. 
  2. Using an ice cream scoop or a spoon and scoop out the seeds. 
  3. Put about 2 inches of water into a baking pan and lay your squash face down in the water. 
  4. Bake at 400* for approximately one hour. (Bake time may vary depending on the size of your squash).
  5. Allow to cool enough to be handled and then scoop out the insides. 
  6. Puree using any leftover water from your baking pan if needed to thin.


Baby Food Entry #7 - Apples

Just like with the pears I chose to bake apples to retain more of their nutrients and they also are more flavorful this way!

Apples just about ready to come out of the oven. (Please excuse the gross bottom of my oven :/ )
  1. Leave the peals on your apples but cut out the centers with either a knife or an apple core. 
  2. Put apples in a baking pan with an inch or so of water 
  3. Bake at 400* for about 30 minutes. (I found that they were easier to peel if I left them in for a bit longer)
  4. Once the apples cool the skin should come off easily. If it doesn't you can remove it with a knife. My results were about 50/50 when it came to the skin.
  5. Once the skin is off, puree and divide!

Pureed apples all ready to go in the ice cube trays.


Baby Food Entry #6 - Pears
Although there are many different ways to prepare pears I chose to bake mine because it seems that they retain the most nutrients when you do it this way.

  1. Core pears with an apple corer and then cut in half. (If you don't have an apple corer you can simply cut them in half first and then cut out the middle where the seeds are.)
  2. Place pears face down in a baking pan with about 1-2 inches of water on the bottom.
  3. Bake pears at 350* for about a half an hour.
Some of the pears after they came out of the oven.

4. After the pears have baked you can submerse them in cold water and the skins should peal right off. If they don't you can just use a knife to cut them away. 
5. Put your pears in your blender or whatever your using and puree until smooth. Pears are very water, you most likely will not need any extra water to thin them. 

All pureed and ready to go in the freezer.

Miss K enjoying her pears, they are one of her favorites!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Major Meltdown!

 So ever since those two teeth broke through and K learned how to crawl shes barley taken any naps and those that she has taken have been less than an hour so I knew that a meltdown was bound to happen sometime but my GOD! She has been officially crying for over an hour and NOTHING has calmed her down she wont even nurse! I have no idea what to do I am at a complete loss for what to do I want to hold her and cuddle her but it just seems to make her more upset! I know that this too shall pass but for right now I just want to break down and cry with her!

Ten Commandments of a Farmers Wife

Ten Commandments of a Farmers Wife!
  1. Thou shall love the aroma of newly mowed hay and the smell of cows!
  2. Thou shall live closely with God.
  3. Thou shall cook meals that can be served 30 minutes early or two hours late. 
  4. Thou shall learn to keep farm records.
  5. Thou shall be inspired to see the sun rise and relieved to see it set. 
  6. Thou shall learn to open gates and guard gates.
  7. Thou shall thrill at the sight of  new tractor and the birth of a new calf. 
  8. Thou shall cherish meals together, long waits for the vet to arrive and decisions about when to plow the fields.
  9. Thou shall not sort calves with your hands in your pockets.
  10. Thou shall love lunchtime when the smell of the farmer can be stronger than the smell of food on the table.
S showed this to me the other day out of a magazine he was reading. It cracked me up because all of it is so true and full of the many things I've had to learn since becoming a farmers wife!


S and I went on our first real date night since K was born! We were originally going to the wedding of a girl I work with but there was no one else there from work and we both felt out of place since we didn't know anyone else, so we decided to go hang out somewhere else. We went to the local movie theater to see what was playing but there wasn't a movie starting for two hours so we went to have dinner. It was AMAZING! I had linguine with clams in red sauce and a sour apple martini! Oh it was sweet bliss! We really need to have more of these more often It's good for K to spend time with her aunt and uncle and it's so great for my sanity (and S's too) if we spend alone time now and then.

BIG THANK YOU to Aunt A and Uncle B for keeping the little women entertained last night!