Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Just when you're ready to give up on the human race, someone like this comes along to spoil it"

I have to share with everyone how blessed S and I have been feeling the last two days. I cannot get over the generosity in people that you don't see everyday... you know those random acts of kindness that come out of nowhere and completely shocks you?

Yesterday I was working and entertaining the grandson of a lady who was out front of our store selling organic produce. He was 7 months old and absolutely adorable! After a few hours his mom came to pick him up and came inside to get me. She asked if this baby was my first and if we had a lot of things yet? I said no not really, mostly just a crib, changing table, and dresser. She takes me outside to her van and GIVES me a car seat that's been barely used. I started looking it over and couldn't believe that it's the EXACT same car seat I had registered for! She also gave us two gym mats and said she has much more at home that she would send to the store with her mom.

This lady wouldn't accept a dime from me for these things, no matter how many times I asked and asked again she wouldn't let me pay her for anything! After she left I went to the bathroom and cried because I could not believe that a complete stranger just gave us one of the big ticket items that we needed... it was just unbelievable!

I am still in shock that she gave us these things and feel so blessed that she showed up randomly in my life!

P.S. The title for this post is a quote from a friend, after he heard my story! It made me laugh and I thought it was only appropriate to use as the title!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

time for another one of these...

How far along? 29w 5d

Total weight gain/loss: I'm up 10lbs

Maternity clothes? all maternity, all the time

Stretch marks? oh yes, I'm officially covered! And I still have more on the right than the left!

Sleep: Is starting to suck again! I can't get comfy, but I'm not getting up to pee as much as I was!

Best moment this week: Having S's family get to feel!

Movement: Crazy movement! Squishy gets violent sometimes, it's so neat to watch my stomach moving all around!

Gender: Won't know until October!

Labor Signs: None and hopefully won't have any for a few more weeks!

Belly Button in or out? Almost out... :(

What I miss: being able to get up without help, or moving in slow motion!

What I am looking forward to: Being 30 weeks on Saturday! And also my first baby shower on the 15th of August!

baby appointment today!

We had an appointment this afternoon, Squishy is still measuring right on track! Midwife said that he/she is head down and ready to go (hopefully he/she stays that way)! And on the plus side, I've only gained 3lbs! WOOHOO! We also got our results from my sugar test, my numbers were 109 and they want them to be under 140 so I passed with flying colors. My hemoglobin and blood counts are also right where they want them to be, no anemia for this chicky!

Now we're waiting to hear when we have our childbirth/breastfeeding classes so we can get the tour of labor and delivery. I'm so excited to see what it looks like behind those locked doors! LOL

Midwife gave me a website to check out today... so I"ll share it with all of you too.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Talked to the midwife's office the other day and found out that I passed my Glucose Test! WOOHOO! Don't have to drink that yucky drink again!

In other news... father-in-laws cancer treatment had been taking leaps in the right direction! He should be starting chemo and radiation very soon! We're all a little nervous about how things are going to pan out because he'll be going in for his surgery right around my due date. Mom-in-law and I were talking about how if I go early they'll be in Baltimore, and she would have to see Squishy for the first time in pictures. But we all know that his surgery is super important and that its still possible that I won't deliver until he's back home, or even before he has to go. Guess we'll wait and see!

Friday, July 16, 2010

"I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life"

First my apologies for not updating a long time there's been some very emotional craziness going on around here.

This past weekend, July 9-11th S and I flew to Texas with his brother and sis-in-law to visit his grandmother. She's in stage 3B lung cancer and her prognosis at the moment is unknown. We are very grateful that we got to go down there to spend some time with her and to let her have the opportunity to see the baby move and kick! However let me just say that flying when you're six months pregnant is NOT fun! Most of my trip was spent with my feet over my head because flying made my ankles swell so much that they disappeared! But I survived and all was worth it getting to see MomMom!

When we got back Sunday night though my left foot was so huge that I called the MW's office to get checked out. S and I went in around 10AM and they told us that there were no problems but to drink lots and lots of water and take a daily calcium supplement. So far the feet have returned to normal and I can finally walk somewhat normal again!

Wednesday night S's parents call a meeting to let us know that S's dad has esophageal cancer and is meeting with a specialist at John's Hopkins Hospital to figure out how he can beat this! We're all very worried for him but he's determined that he's going to beat it and we're all standing behind him 100%. So there's our craziness that's going on!

Oh wait... no it's not! Yesterday I had my 1 hour glucose test... you know that thing where you drink that super sweet drink and then an hour later they draw blood to see if you have gestational diabetes! It wasn't too terrible until it came time to take my blood! The phlebotomist missed my vein the first time and was poking around in there with the needle! He asked if anyone ever told me I have rolling veins... I almost burst into tears telling him "No! No one has ever missed my vein before, I've always been told I have great veins!" Finally a few minutes later and another poke he got into a different vein and drew the two vials they needed. GOOD GRIEF I WAS PISSED! I never felt so icky have blood drawn before!

So there it is... all the nuts-o stuff that's been going on around here lately. I truly hope that things calm down now... I need a break... as does the rest of our family!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Crib on a very blank wall!

Changing Table

Closet curtains are still a bit long... I need to hem those!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

First and foremost Happy 4th of July to everyone! Hope you're all enjoying lots of BBQ-ing, camping and fireworks!

Second- I am a few days late on noticing this, but I just picked up on the fact that I have less than a 100 days to go! HOLY MOLY! We're down to 97.... AHHHH!! How flipping exciting is that!?

Third- Today S and I were visiting some of his family at their campsite, celebrating the fourth. I was sitting next to his cousin when she starts flipping out that she just saw my belly move! I starting watching it and BOOM! Just off to the left of my belly button my tummy was jumping! It was the coolest thing ever! I can't believe that Squishy has started to make my belly move.... I am going to be fascinated by this for awhile now!